Yeah! Hip Hop Open Air
Hip Hop verzichten, denn auch wir wissen feinste Musik zu schätzen. Deshalb haben wir beschlossen ein ereignisreiches Hip Hop Open Air für alle Hip Hop Begeisterten unter euch zu veranstalten. Yeah! Hip Hop Open Air
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Line Up

6x DJ World Champion
Ching Zeng
Whether on his own or alongside his Lords Of Fitness teammates, this German wunderkind turnablist-turned-producer has dominated the world of DJ battles since 2002, scoring more trophies and international titles than any of his competitors worldwide. After resigning from the battle circuit and moving from his hometown of Düsseldorf to Brooklyn, Rafik, the son of two classical musicians, decided to take it down a notch, and spend some quality time with his synths and machines. Besides being a frequent guest in clubs from Australia to China, Japan, and the UK, Rafik’s eclectic productions and remix work present a unique take on the electronica, hip hop and techno intersection.

Pro Zeiko
3x DJ World Champion
Red Bull Thre3Style National Champion 2016
He’s one of the most famous DJs in germany. He’s a regular guest in the top 100 clubs of the world. He’s official 3 times DJ World Champion. His name is DJ PRO-ZEIKO. The born Berliner ensures packed dancefloors and astonished faces since many years. With his unique style and dynamic technique, he got his hands on the pulse of times and easily captivates any crowd. “I’m just a bunch of energy –when I party, I go hard”. Whether he’s live on stage with the Black Eyed Peas, Paul van Dyk or Tiesto, Pro-Zeiko rarely has the chance to unpack his luggage at home. In 2012 he was travelling to various major cities on 4 continents and more than 20 countries. His almost endless reference list also in cludes company events for Audi, Nike or Moet & Chandon. “At the end of the day there’s only one thing that matters...” – says Pro-Zeiko himself: “We will see us in the club!”

G. Dugz
Total Chaos Crew
Since his childhood G-Dugz recognized how important music is and had became a Part of his life. He got the inspiration from his older cousin which was a big Hip hop fan and used to write rhymes. A couple of years later (1994) G-Dugz bought his first Hip-hop tape (Criminal minds from KRS-one). With that, his enthusiasm for Hip Hop, became even more. He began to use his skills in deejaying, where he started to perform at School & Youth club parties in (NYC) and he made a small name GF1. Also he made with his best friends: Terry. David and Chris a Hip-hop crew named (Cold Mob).
In 1999 G-Dugz decided to leave the U.S.A and he moved on to Berlin(GER) which played a big roll in his career. He got their intention of the Hip-Hop scene what got him bookings for various Hip Hop Jams and small Clubs such as: Juke box and X-large. The demand of booking DJ G-Dugz became more, what brought him bookings for bigger clubs such as: H2o, Friday night fever and Felix in Berlin.
Lately 2003 G-dugz left over Berlin and moved on to a new destination to Vienna(AT) to work and continue his studies, he started to spinning in small clubs and bars like: Queen Ann, Soho Bar and Mirage. G-dugz knew new people in Hip hop community, deejays and event managers like: Doc LX, Fete Royale and Def Kings with them G-Dugz became more famous than ever before.
He began to be a guest in couple radio stations like: FM4 (Digital Konfusion Mixshow), Radio Orange (The Late Show), Play FM (Bounce the Mixshow), Jam FM (in Germany) and got his own Radio Mixshow (THE DUGZ SHOW) on Worldcast Radio (US) every saturday from 5 to 6 PM. He is also nationally supported Deejays and artists like "Fatman Scoop", "Flo Rida", "Pitbull", "Katy Perry", "Shaggy", "Mr Vegas", "Xzibit" and many more.

No Booty No Party Soundsystem
Main-DJs der No Booty No Party - Eventreihe aus München
Egal ob als Headliner oder Support für das internationale Who’s who des Rap Business, Benderman, Taran Frisch & Lorez aka das NBNP Soundsystem kickt asses. Mit 33 ⅓ Umdrehungen pro Minute verschmelzen sie alles was Hip Hop, Trap, Dancehall und Afrobeats zu bieten haben zu einem Cocktail mit mindestens ebensoviel Promille. Ob in ihrer monatlichen Homebase No Booty No Party in München (Munich Nightlife Award Winner 2014 “Best Hip Hop Event”) oder auswärts in Berlin und Hamburg. Egal ob rough Seite an Seite mit The Tropkillaz oder TWRK, posh und hip auf offiziellen Red Bull Events bis die Hornbrillen anlaufen oder voll gepackt mit street cred als Vorprogramm für Konzerte von The Game, Underachievers & Flatbush Zombies, Rae Sremmurd, Anderson Paak oder Ikone DJ Premier. Sie verpacken es so gut, dass Stehen keine Option ist und hinterlassen nichts als verbrannte Erde und Muskelkater.

Cue Cut
Vorarlberger Hip Hop DJ
Good Life Clubbing
Wenn es um Sachen wie Hip Hop Musik geht, ist Cue Cut einer der Top DJs aus dem Ländle. Seit 2011 trifft man ihn immer wieder auf den fettesten Partys und den besten Locations. Seine Erfahrungen holt er sich nicht von irgendwo, sondern von den Top DJs der Szene wie Eskei83, Dan Gerous, Nobodys Face (Marteria DJ) oder auch von DJ Jellin. Doch auch mit den lokalen DJs aus Vorarlberg pflegt Cue Cut ein Top Verhältnis und so stand er bereits mit den DJs EM, PMC, Xbert, Madkid, A-Wax und Steve Rude auf der Bühne. Aber auch mit anderen Größen des Hip Hop Business hat der junge DJ schon zu tun gehabt. So stand er schon mit den Größen Delinquent Habbits oder auch den Beatnuts gemeinsam auf der Bühne. Und da das noch nicht genug ist, tourt er auch noch mit den Rappern Dario & Mooses quer durchs Dreiländer Eck. Was erwartet mich bei einem Set von Cue Cut? Eine gute Mischung aus allen Genres und Untergenres des Hip Hops. Auch basslastige Tracks gehören zu einem Standart Set aus Cue Cuts Trickkiste, die die Bühne immer wieder zum beben bringt. Mit dieser Zusammenstellung von Beats ist ein genialer Club Besuch garantiert.
DJ Rafik
Red Bull Thre3Style Set 2016
DJ Pro-Zeiko
Red Bull Thre3Style Germany WINNING Set
DJ G-Dugz
Routine (Toneplay)

Total Chaos Crew

Pro Zeiko
3x DJ World Champion
Red Bull Thre3Style Nation Champion 2016
DJ Cue Cut
Good Life Clubbing

6x DJ World Champion
Ching Zeng

No Booty No Party Soundsystem
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*** 9,50 € ***
(mit Facebook Posting)
12,00 €
Eintritt: 1 Person
Gültig: Fr, 29.07.2016
Einlass: 21:00 Uhr
ab 16 Jahren
*** 12,50 € ***
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15,00 €
Eintritt: 1 Person
Gültig: Sa, 30.07.2016
Einlass: 22:00 Uhr
ab 18 Jahren
Yeah - Open Air
Tel.: +43 680 230 96 13 / +43 664 153 47 86
Firma PLS Solutions
Steven Scheidbach
Paspelsweg 29
6812 Meiningen
Tel.: +43 680 230 96 13
Firma Michael Zündt Eventmanagement
Michael Zündt
Schleipfweg 8
6800 Feldkrich
Tel.: +43 664 153 47 86
Copyright: Yeah - Open Air
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Gestaltung & Umsetzung:
Yeah - Open Air
Tel.: +43 680 230 96 13 / +43 664 153 47 86
Firma PLS Solutions
Steven Scheidbach
Paspelsweg 29
6812 Meiningen
Tel.: +43 680 230 96 13
Firma Michael Zündt Eventmanagement
Michael Zündt
Schleipfweg 8
6800 Feldkrich
Tel.: +43 664 153 47 86
Copyright: Yeah - Open Air